Our mission is to establish and uphold the highest professional standards in clinical hypnotherapy, positioning the BSCH as a trusted authority within the profession.

We are committed to:
• Advocating for the profession at the governmental, public, and medical levels, ensuring that the interests of our members and the wider clinical hypnotherapy community are represented and advanced.
• Creating opportunities for our members to grow and enhance their practices through continuous support, guidance, and professional development.
• Fostering constructive partnerships with other clinical hypnotherapy organisations, the medical field, and psychotherapy communities, all aimed at strengthening the profession and ensuring its integration within the broader healthcare landscape.
• Encouraging and promoting research to further validate and expand the role of clinical hypnotherapy within therapeutic practice.
• Championing clinical hypnotherapy as a key component of integrative psychotherapy, recognising its potential to complement and enhance other therapeutic approaches.
• Expanding our global presence by nurturing international collaborations and networks, providing our members with access to opportunities that reflect the international reach of the BSCH and ensure equitable benefits for all.
Through these actions, we aim to lead the advancement of clinical hypnotherapy, ensuring it is respected, integrated, and recognised as a vital part of therapeutic practice, both in the UK and worldwide.

President: Peter Mabbutt D.Hyp, FBSCH,